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Texas State Representative, Diego Bernal

Rep. Bernal Diego


2018 Fourth Annual Guardian House Luncheon Honoree



Texas House Representative, Diego Bernal, was born in South Texas and brought up in San Antonio. Among many contributions to helping people, his servant-heart began when he was a social worker in the Detroit area and continued after law school where he helped many underprivileged families.

Representative Bernal stated,

“True public servants dedicate passion, effort, and attention to all citizens in their care. Guardian House exemplifies this through the education and assistance they provide to families who need someone to look out for them during difficult times. In every service they provide, Guardian House has the best interest of parents and children at heart.

Representative Bernal was recognized as one of San Antonio’s Men of the Year in 2010 due to his commitment to enhancing the lives of the people – not just in San Antonio but throughout Texas. In February 2015, Representative Bernal was elected to the Texas House of Representatives. Now as one of our state representatives, Bernal can push for positive change that impacts everyone in Texas.

He and his wife, Elyse Bernal, welcomed their first child, Xan, in August 2017.

Guardian House is honoring Representative Bernal for his contribution to the children in Bexar county on March 26, 2018 at Pearl Stable.  Click here to see your invitation.


Texas House Representative, Diego Bernal, was born in South Texas and brought up in San Antonio. Among many contributions to helping people, his servant-heart began when he was a social worker in the Detroit area and continued after law school where he helped many underprivileged families.

Representative Bernal stated,

“True public servants dedicate passion, effort, and attention to all citizens in their care. Guardian House exemplifies this through the education and assistance they provide to families who need someone to look out for them during difficult times. In every service they provide, Guardian House has the best interest of parents and children at heart.

Representative Bernal was recognized as one of San Antonio’s Men of the Year in 2010 due to his commitment to enhancing the lives of the people – not just in San Antonio but throughout Texas. In February 2015, Representative Bernal was elected to the Texas House of Representatives. Now as one of our state representatives, Bernal can push for positive change that impacts everyone in Texas.

He and his wife, Elyse Bernal, welcomed their first child, Xan, in August 2017.

Guardian House is honoring Representative Bernal for his contribution to the children in Bexar county on March 26, 2018 at Pearl Stable.  Click here to see your invitation.


List of accomplishments for Representative Diego Bernal include:

Current Committee Positions
Committee on Public Education- Vice Chair

•  Committee on House Administration- Committee Member
•  Committee on Urban Affairs- Committee Member

San Antonio Magazine- San Antonio’s Men of the Year in 2010.

Committee on International Trade & Intergovernmental Affairs (in 2015)

•  San Antonio Councilman, District 1
•  Helped at-risk youth in the Detroit Area through the GRACE Program (Gang Retirement and Continued Education/Employment)
•  Worked for MALDEF as a staff attorney


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